I think the better fix is to say that either Aeron and WOIAF were wrong about Harrag and Qhored Hoare being driftwood kings - rather, if Harrag is a contemporary of Theon Stark, and Qhored of House Justman, they were in fact Hoare kings of the “black line” who came about after the Andal invasion (although that creates other problems relating to thematic arcs) - or that the bit about Qhored extinguishing the Justmans is simply not accurate.Īs to the delayed timeline, that solves some problems but not others. That Qhored solution wouldn’t work, because Qhored is listed as a driftwood king and the height of Ironborn power BEFORE the Greyirons abolished the kingsmoot and the Hoares replaced them and ruled as Iron Kings. (For one thing, if Qhored the Cruel was a Hoare, that conflicts with the Greyirons ruling for a thousand years.) For thousands of years the descendants of Urron Redhand ruled the Iron Islands as Kings, son after son became King. whose line ruled for a thousand years before the Andals arrived in the Iron Islands, I don’t think Mallister’s conquest of the Cape happened during the reign of the Justmans but significantly before. The Old Way once left the Ironborn, after Urron Redhand, the first King of the Iron Islands, turned the Isles into an inherited hereditary monarchy. lived five thousand years before the War of Five Kings and B. W/R/T the Mallisters, since Torgon Latecomer was one of the earliest of the Greyirons, since he was elected at a kingsmoot, and Torgon’s son Urragon came before Urron Redhand, who A. Going to consolidate a couple questions from different people on the whole Ironborn timeline thing: Regarding the ironborn timeline issues, I remember a couple people on Reddit put forward a theory a few months ago that the Andal Conquest happened over the course of around two thousand years (noting the 1-200 years between the (final) conquest of the Vale and the reign of Tristifer IV), and thus didn’t come to the Iron Islands until well over a thousand years after they came to the riverlands. On the Justman-Hoare conundrum: Is one possible solution simply Qhored the Cruel being a brief resurgence of Ironborn supremacy such that that after his death no Ironborn leader had the capabilities to arrest their decline as he had? I'm getting the weird sense of deja vu of the back and forth between the Ironborn and the North now. Krimzonstriker asked: Huh, I went over the asoiaf wiki, and to aggravate you even further about the Ironborne timeline House Mallistar apparently only conquered the Cape of Eagles during Torgen the latecomers reign, that suggests the Ironborne still had colonies in the Riverlands throughout House Justmans reign and could be the perfect source for conflict you wondered about.